Sunday, March 31, 2013

Why and How to Make Up a Good Disclosure?


This article is not allowed to copy without the permission from the author (and that’s me!) People who break the rule would get a punch on the face from me. (Just kidding!)


The  sentences above are a kind of “DISCLOSURE” that we are going to talk about today! A good disclosure is really important for a whole digital marketing campaign since it can help you build higher reputation and keep you away from the trouble.  Since there are more and more information flows on digital media, it is getting tougher for a marketer to make disclosure to be seen by the customers effectively.  In most advertisement, the positive points of the products would be emphasized. However, when the product has side effects, especially the products that is related with human being’s health and property, and the advertisement mention nothing about it, it would cause the manufacturer into a BIG BIG BIG trouble! Thus, it is definitely a crucial issue for people to know how to write a clear and good disclosure for your readers.
Here are three simple rules to make a good disclosure:

The Right Placement

Put the disclosure at the spot that is easy to been seen, especially at the place that is near to the claim. In modern days, disclosure is often placed at the end of the advertisement with a vocal sound reading all the content of the disclosure to draw your attention.


Make the Disclosure Truthful and Conspicuous

Tell the truth to your customers. If you lie, you might get yourself into a big trouble. In Taiwan, there are cases that some medicine manufacturers claimed that their products can help customers lose weight without causing you any side effect. Nonetheless, medicine- users found out that taking the pills might make you feeling dizzy, disgusting and even fainting. Ultimately the company got sued and bankruptcy.


Make Repetition

Repeat the disclosure as many times as possible since your audience would not be able to catch up with your information at the first time you show the content of the disclosure (or they might even not notice that).  A digital marketer can repeat the disclosure with the repeated claims as needed. If the marketer has more information to tell the customers, he/ she can even provide a hyperlink to the customers, but make sure make the right label for the hyperlink.

All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Statistics can Tell: the Most Powerful Social Media

What can Frontier Airline do for their future Marketing? 

Make a guess that which social media earn the highest rate of trust from customers. Facebook? Twitter? Surprise! It is Blogs! According to the website “Micro Explosion Media”, blogs have 31.3% possibility to successfully influence the purchasing decision of the market; meanwhile Facebook acquires 30.8% and Twitter gets only 8.0%.  Here is my thoughts of the reasons why blogs would earn more trust than other media. First, the author of the blog would be an opinion leader for a certain group of people. Second, too much fake or fact- twisted information are now spreading on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

Author =Spokesperson

A lot of people are unable to make decision on which product to buy or unwilling to try something new during the process of their purchasing, especially when the products have something to do with their property, life and health.  At this time, an author of a blog can be a strong opinion leader because he/she acquires high credibility from their supporters. In some aspect, I think an author play an exact role as a spokesperson. After the author experiences the products and shares it on the website, people would think that since the author has experience it in advance, his/ her comments would be worthy to take into consideration. Afterwards, the credibility reflects to the author from readers would be stronger if the readers find out what the authors’ comments is coherent to their actual usage experience.

Fake & Fact- Twisted Information

Due to the rapid –growth of social media, people now receive explosive amount of information. However, without proper information filter system, social media can easily spread fake information and mislead users. Thus, media users are now getting tired of being cheated by unreal information. This is probably one of the most critical reason why people now have less trust on social media.

Future Possible Marketing Media for Frontier Airline

Frontier Airline is the small-scale company that my group currently put focus on. So far, Frontier Airline utilizes mainly Facebook and Twitter to share stories and discount information, but not on blogs. It is so rare to see people share their actual experience with Frontier Airline on the internet. Since customers would put more focus on real taking experience, plane service and safety when they are choosing Airline Company for their trips, Frontier should invest more money on blogs and have some tour blogs writers share their awesome experience of taking Frontier Airplane. By doing so, it would be more easily for Frontier Airline to acquire higher credibility and awareness. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

TED Speech: How to Fascinate?

Learn More about Your Triggers

 Speaker: Sally Hogshead

I have to confess that I feel the speech is CRAZY INTRESTING to me! It is so surprising and humorous of author to make a metaphor between marketing and the couple matching website, which really draws audiences’ attention at the beginning of the speech. Sally Hogshead has mentioned a “Nine Second Rule ” in the speech, indicating that people would decide whether paying attention to you within the first nine seconds which refers that a successful marketing strategy has to intrigue the targets’ curiosity in nine seconds. In my opinion, Sally Hogshead herself has applied this rule successfully and tactically when she make asking audiences questions about the experience of being on a matching website as the opening of the speech.

Sally Hogshead
Here is a quotation from Sally Hogshead impress me profoundly- It doesn’t matter how incredible your ideas are, if nobody knows. In the sentence, it reminds me the importance of utilizing media to express ideas accurately to market, which also perfectly explains the cause of the incredibly high charging fee to play a commercial in Super Bowl. With high exposure possibilities, even though it takes more than three million dollars to play an advertisement in Super Bowl, it is a worthy investment for companies.

Triggers Test Results

According to the speaker, the personalities of humans can roughly be separated into seven types, including power, passion, mystique, prestige, alarm, vice and trust. Each word represents the different triggers of the tester, such as power means you might have authority in lead others.
Here shows the individual meanings of each types:

After the test, I found no surprise to know myself equipped with high proportion of passion and alarm, which means I am relatively enthusiastic toward working, and also tend to be sensitive to any changes in my work. What’s more, the test reminds me the low percentage of my trigger “trust”, indicating that I should show more stability during my work to earn others’ trust. Finally, the test systems sums my personality up as The Orchestrator, standing for a person who is attentive, detail- oriented and dedicated.






The Role of Building Personal Brand

Andrew Zimmern who is a well-known host from Bizarre Food is my favorite host around the world. Once people mention him, the tone for Andrew Zimmern would be charming, friendly, creative, brave and humorous. Andrew Zimmern shows all of these personalities in his shows and also on his twitter pages. On his twitter, Andrew Zimmern not only posts every information of weird food around the world to support his image in the show, but also shares some information of helping others to strengthen his image of his tolerance to difference cultures and warmth toward the need. He now has a strong personal brand image that Toyota has him as a spokesperson for their new series of campaign that put emphasis on encouraging customers to purse individual life style.  To learn more about Andrew Zimmern, visit his twitter page here: